Six Reasons Why Singapore Math Might Be The Better Way
Ascent Classical™ Academy will use Singapore Math. Singapore Math is a cohesive, deep, and focused mathematics curriculum, for Kindergarten through Seventh Grade, with the goal of developing algebraic thinking. Algebra is a systematic approach to describing patterns and relationships and finding unknown numbers or quantities. It is a complex tool and body of knowledge, requiring strong numeracy, procedural fluency, and an ability to abstract. The explicit study of algebra begins in Eighth Grade, and the Singapore Math curriculum is the strongest available to prepare students for that challenge.
“In 2013, only 34 percent of fourth-graders in the U.S. performed at a proficient level in math, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Only 27 percent of U.S. eighth-graders performed at a proficient level in math. Although some school districts have found the Singapore math curriculum is difficult to implement, advocates argue it could boost America’s math scores. So far, more than 2,500 schools — and an even greater number of homeschoolers — have made the leap.”