Read What Our Parents Are Saying About Ascent Classical™ Academy

Are you interested in enrolling your child in Ascent Classical Academy for the 2019/2020 school year? Read these parent testimonials, then fill out an application to reserve your spot!
“My son and daughter both attend Ascent Classical Academy and let me express the changes I have seen in both of them. My son is diagnosed ADHD and is on a 504 plan. I was a little worried about changing schools and especially to a school that implements the classical education program. I feared that the homework load, uniforms, and strict structure may not be a good fit for my son. On the contrary, he loves it and is thriving. He used to cry every day going to his neighborhood school and begged to be home schooled. Just the other night he said to me that he was excited for school the next day. WHAT? Excited, my son! The child I struggled with every day just to get out the door. I also noticed that he is generally more happy at home, is using manners, finishing chores without asking and even expressing his love to me every day with hugs and kisses. I really needed the hugs and kisses! My daughter is in kindergarten and I am already blown away with how much she has learned. She is accomplishing twice what my son did in kindergarten. She too displays better manners, helping around the house and expressing her emotions in a mature way. She is also excited for school every day.”
Can I just say how much we LOVE this school! My second grader hated first grade at our previous school. What kid hates first grade?! Now, she has Mr. Lenhart and he has revived her love of learning! She has some struggles, but the school is so great working with kids who do have struggles. My son (7th grade) has different struggles and the school has been right on top of them. My other daughter, 4th grade, (Ms. Adele), is a more typical learner and she is loving absolutely everything! My kids actually talk with each other about what they are learning. Lately it’s been Ancient Greece! They are learning so much more than they ever did before. To find a school that accommodates all three of my very different children is such a massive blessing, and extremely RARE! Very few charter schools are able to make the accommodations that Ascent makes for students. No school will ever be perfect, and we shouldn’t expect that, but Ascent comes pretty darn close! We are so thankful God led us here!
“I am a very proud grandmother of five grandchildren who are attending the Accent Classical Academy School in Castle Rock, Colorado. I have seen and experienced time with my grandchildren at Accent Classical Academy and I am soooo very thankful that they could attend ACA. ACA has fulfilled many unanswered prayers for children who need a school like ACA and their needs were not being met in the public school system.”
“After attending two public neighborhood schools in Castle Rock that were not a good fit for our children we are delighted that Ascent Classical Academy is an option in Castle Rock. Our family has finally found a school we are thriving in! We have five children ranging in age from 7th grade to kindergarten and all five of our children are happy and thriving at school for the first time ever. Of our five children, three are typical learners and two are on IEP’s. Ascent Classical Academy has gone above our expectations to meet and exceed our children’s IEP plans and accommodations. In addition, our 3 typical children are growing in confidence and self government that they have never experienced before attending Ascent.”
“Tonight my husband and I had the pleasure of attending Ascent Classical Academy’s Curriculum Night. We have three children who attend (4th, 5th, and 8th grade), all with different gifts, interests, and abilities, all who are thriving and enjoying this special school. We listened to very passionate and credentialed teachers explain what our children experience in the classroom each day, and we are thrilled. We sat through a mock literature discussion of a passage in “To Kill a Mockingbird,” the novel our eighth grader is currently reading with her class. The concept of strict legalism vs. clemency was pulled from the text and a riveting discussion ensued. I listened to my daughter’s algebra teacher describe her goal of shaping problem-solvers versus algorithm-pluggers and the amazing ways in which she supports students in achieving that goal. I listened to a mom in my 4th grade son’s class thank our sons’ teacher through tears, telling her he cried every day he went to his previous school last year, and this year he is eager and excited to attend. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the classroom after that exchange. Listening to our 5th grade daughter’s teacher describe the passion that her class has for learning and the eagerness with which they have tackled a challenging abridged version of Don Quixote (and then hearing him list the other great works of literature they will be tackling over the course of the year) was a dream come true for us as parents. In my opinion, Singapore Math is one of the gold standards in teaching conceptual, mastery-based mathematics to elementary school students. Our experiences tonight affirmed that the “why” is being taught so that they will have a deeper connection with the “how,” and that young, capable problem-solvers are being nurtured. This school is a gem and a school the Douglas County School District should be proud of. The founding of this school has been life-changing for our family.”
“I attended curriculum night last night at Ascent Classical Academies and my mind was blown! They are setting these kindergartners up for success in so many ways by teaching them all the sounds each letter of the alphabet makes – because there are multiple sounds for most letters. These kids are also learning great penmanship, how to be responsible for themselves, the names of the oceans and continents, introduction to parts of our U.S. government with the preamble to the Constitution, and how to follow instructions and be good citizens. The way they teach phonics and writing is so simple, makes so much sense, but is unlike anything I have ever seen before. I am certain that Eden will end up with a far greater understanding of the English language and the grammar rules that surround it than I ever had, and it’s all starting in kindergarten with helping them understand why letters make the sounds they do and in what situations. My mind was literally blown and this is Kindergarten!! I am SO in love with everything this school is doing!”
“I woke up this morning to my 3rd grader standing over me asking me if I know the story if Achilles Heels. This child is infatuated with the Greek and Roman history and mythology she is learning at school! I LOVE IT!”
“Each of the books being read in 4th grade has a virtue to learn. Currently, they are reading King Arthur. The virtue of course, is chivalry. Today Dr. Moore came in and talked to them about chivalry. He had the boys swear an oath of honor like the knights of the round table. Can you imagine if all young people were taught what its like to be a knight or lady? Swoon!”
“Can I just say this has been such an incredible year and it’s only beginning. My oldest son who is in 1st grade is thriving. He loves going to school and it’s not a fight. He jumps into the car every afternoon and excitedly goes on and on about his day. Last year was such a fight and really difficult. His handwriting has improved so much in these few weeks and he’s even reading and sounding out letters! We are so blessed by the amazing staff and their love for teaching!”
“I LOVE this school! My daughter is achieving so much and loves going to school. She is excelling in so many ways, making friends and truly enjoys learning. I am so incredibly glad that this school opened its doors in Douglas County. I’m convinced that if we had more schools like it, our country and society as a whole would be so much more peaceful, successful and respectful. Thank you truly for all that you do for my family and so many others.”
“I am crying tears of joy. My daughter, who is in fourth grade, in the short amount of time since school started, has improved her reading MORE than she did during an entire year in third grade at another school. She’s seeing reading as fun for the first time. She always enjoyed being read to, but not reading. Thanks to Ascent, her teacher, Miss Woodhouse, and kudos to my daughter, Dakota. This is one happy mama.”
“Does anyone else feel kind of relieved in the mornings dropping off knowing your children are not going to be learning unnecessary stuff in this school? I had a sense of gratitude this morning that my children are safe both mentally and physically here. I know what they are learning is good and educational and not wasteful and not against our moral beliefs. Very thankful. We have had some past bad experiences so this is so nice. I used to cringe at drop off and now I can take a deep breath of relief!”
“I get so excited dropping them off just knowing what they are about to learn. I can’t wait til they get home so I can hear all about the amazing books they are learning!”
“On day 3 I can see very carefully thought out aspects of the school. My kids used to come home starving and grumpy every day with lunch and snacks not eaten. I would hear “we didn’t have time”. This year there are purposeful times the kids are allowed to eat (reading, math), which is so helpful for their mental and physical stamina. This is one example of many super thoughtful steps taken by the school.”
“It’s so nice to see them happy and actually learning. We are so glad our student is surrounded by positive uplifting people!”
“My son attended an elementary here in the meadows for 5 years. He’s never been so happy, eager and mellow after now being in attendance for just this week. Such a breath of fresh air. He raves how engaged the staff and faculty have been towards each and every student, listening to concerns or questions. DOUGCO (and Colorado really) NEEDED THIS! Thank you!”
“My daughter, though still struggling a bit with the homework, is calmer, safer, and being better educated. She has a positive attitude and WANTS to work. The comparison between her prior (neighborhood elementary) school and ACA is like going from total chaos to a still pond. So much more productive. And the good moral values!”
“We chose this school because of WHO it can help shape our children to be. Ultimately we believe we are the stewards of our children’s education – but Ascent Classical Academy is a great partner on that journey.”
“We are so glad and thankful to hear both of our kids say first day of school turned out well! We were not sure how they really felt going to a new school after our big move, especially for our 10th grader who was not looking forward to coming to CO. They had the same things to say, that their teachers are all very nice! Christian said it was “cool” that they jumped right into discussion during Literature class. Phoebe said she likes that they started learning right away and that the teachers were really engaged in their conversations and not just reading what to say to the students. They came home energetic even after running over 2 miles during their 1st cross country practice. It’s going to be a blessed and fruitful school year!”
“My kids can’t stop talking about their day! Their favorite subjects were literature and math! They have been talking nonstop about every subject and what they learned in each. They both asked to go to bed early so tomorrow will come sooner. They are kids who typically try to resist bedtime so this is amazing!”
“My heart is filled with gratitude today for all the amazing people who have made today possible. I have been patiently waiting for 4 years for this school to open its doors, even before it was a possibility. I am so thankful that my children get to be a part of this inaugural year.”
“As maturing children our four kids need to gain knowledge, but on their journey to adulthood those same children crave for those facts to have purpose and meaning. It was that search for a school that could provide the WHY’S behind the WHAT’S and HOW’S that led us to enroll our children at Ascent Classical Academy. The school focuses on six virtues – Courage, Courtesy, Honor, Perseverance, Self Government and Citizenship. It is our belief that these virtues are some of the WHY’S that bring knowledge to life. We are so excited that this year our children’s Classical Education will daily, with intentionality, point them to a beautiful world and say learn about it. The words on the bottom of the planner each child received sums it up best – “I will learn the True. I will do the Good. I will love the Beautiful.” Our kids came home full of enthusiasm and stories from their first day, because even on the first day they already felt a magnetic pull to a school they have taken ownership of – a place where they feel at home to explore their intellectual curiosities. (Our 3rd grader was so excited just to bring home her dictionary home and use it!) The kids are thrilled to go to a school that will teach them the what’s and how’s of the world – the facts, the history, the mathematical formulas, the processes, the content – but it goes deeper, they will wake up early this morning hungry to return to that school not because of the what’s and how’s, but because THEIR Classical American teachers undergird the curriculum with meaning, with fundamental whys. THANK YOU to all the men & women who brought Ascent Classical Academy to fruition, allowing it to open yesterday – after much reflection and research, our family knows Ascent Classical Academy is the best full family solution for us. It is going to be an amazing run to graduations in 2025, 2026, 2028 and 2029. We are committed for the long haul.”