
Character Education as an Integral Element of Classical Education

January 18, 2023

The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) published a brief on civic learning and education as an integrated component of the school culture and curriculum at Ridgeview Classical Schools in Fort Collins, Colorado. This brief does a great job encapsulating why character development and virtue is a critical to educating young students as the traditional academic lessons in a school.

Education in a classical program like Ridgeview Classical, and what we strive for at Ascent Classical Academy, is “never simply education for knowledge; it is always education for character.”

This brief goes more in depth on what makes a good classical school, with its focus on primary source documents and the Socratic style of learning, along with describing why character development is a main ends to education.

Download the full report: AEI – Being Part of a People: Ridgeview Classical Schools and Civic Education